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NAME: Shooting Scar

NUMBER: 1001

HOMETOWN: Greenwood

OCCUPATION: Contact Center Associate Super Ninja

POSITIONS: Getting in the way when the time is right!

BIRTHDAY: October 10th

HATES: Know-it-alls, obnoxious people, people who don't use turn signals (it's a simply flick of the wrist, come on...), people who have no sense of personal space, I'm sensing a pattern here...

LOVES: Anime!  Video Games!  Crocheting, knitting, relaxing, wine, food, animals, and of course, roller derby.

DERBY WIFE: The one and only Ms. Ahh Jenny <3  She makes my heart pitter patter

DERBY INJURIES: My ever famous flying v welt on my upper thigh-ass region and a heart shaped bruise on my forearm- good times.

FAVORITE DERBY MOMENTS: Effectively blocking during a scrimmage allowing our jammer to get through.

MEANING OF YOUR DERBY NAME: Tis a simple play on words, good people.

PRE-BOUT RITUALS: Probably trying to keep my stomach from flipping on itself

TRADEMARK: I just keep going until someone tells me to stop, as in "Scar, you're bleeding, sit down."


  • ...skate set-up? I'm still in my rookie set up with basic Reidells.
  • ...song to skate to? In my pre derby girl skating days, my favorite song was Gangster's Paradise...it's a nice song to swizzle skate to
  • ...things about derby? The sense of family and general bad assery.  To have all these awesome chicks in your corner...it's good to be a derby girl.
  • ...drinks? I have learned to <3 red wine- it doesn't give me a headache.  I also love hard ciders...yum!
  • ...foods? Sushi, Ramen, Pizza, Fondue, anything from the cheesecake factory
  • ...things to do off-track? Crocheting, knitting, video games, working, working, working, collecting and watching various animes.


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