NAME: Ms. Ahh-Jenny
HOMETOWN: New Castle
OCCUPATION: Preoccupied
POSITIONS: I enjoy many positions
BIRTHDAY: February 23rd
HATES: I hate therefore I am.
LOVES: My three Boston Terrorists, Mr. Ahh-Jenny and a select few other humans, industrial music, pain
DERBY WIFE: Shooting Scar
DERBY INJURIES: A lump the size of an apple and some colorful bruises on my hip
FAVORITE DERBY MOMENTS: On an attempt at 25 in 5 I stopped on lap 17 to puke in a trash can, but I got right back on the track and skated 3 more laps.
MEANING OF YOUR DERBY NAME: Misogyny-The hatred of women. Of course my hate knows no bounds. I'm an equal opportunity hater.
PRE-BOUT RITUALS: Listening to death metal and vomiting
TRADEMARK: Boney shoulder of death