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NAME: Jackie Bauer


HOMETOWN: Fishers, Indiana but originally from Michigan

OCCUPATION: My online apparel business, HauntedFlower.com & film critic for HauntedFlowerReviews.com & Indymojo.com

POSITIONS: Blocker, Jammer


HATES: Animal cruelty, bad drivers, drama, Twinkies

LOVES: Cats, most dogs, playing Dance Dance Revolution, drumming on Guitar Hero, Christmas & Halloween, anime

DERBY WIFE: Mistress Azrael

DERBY INJURIES: I injured my left knee a week before my first bout, but wouldn't let it stop me from playing.

FAVORITE DERBY MOMENTS: Winning my first bout, getting grand slams as a jammer!

MEANING OF YOUR DERBY NAME: In the TV show "24", the character Jack Bauer can fight terrorists, stop bombs from going off, and save entire cities in a 24 hour period without ever having to eat, sleep, or go to the bathroom. I admire that kind of determination and endurance and wanted to express that toughness in my name.

PRE-BOUT RITUALS: Deep breathing, listening to angry music with Azrael, water-boarding terrorists (just kidding on the last one!)

TRADEMARK: Cute accessories!


  • ...skate set-up? Quads over blades and let my feet do the rest
  • ...song to skate to? "Ready to Roll" by Jet Black Stare
  • ...things about derby? Passing you, of course.
  • ...drinks? Mudslide, hot chocolate, egg nog, long island iced tea
  • ...foods? Ice cream, pizza, chinese, seafood, broccoli, chocolate marshmallow flavored popcorn seasoning
  • ...things to do off-track? Watching movies & anime, baking, cuddling with my kitties, decorating for the holidays

CONTACT? wagner.gina@yahoo.com


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