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NAME: Guano Loco

NUMBER: 130D (A bat echolocation is at 130 Decibels in intesity.)

HOMETOWN: Westfield

OCCUPATION: Being awesome!

POSITIONS: Blocker or pivot

BIRTHDAY: April 30th

HATES: Cheaters, rudeness, crappy attitudes, spiders, blisters, and burpees.

LOVES: My husband, my puppies, beer, Xbox and getting hit by Bona Contention!

DERBY WIFE: Bona Contention….and a few derby mistresses’

DERBY INJURIES: Broken tailbone, and of course bruises and burns... ah the love of derby.

FAVORITE DERBY MOMENTS: Playing in my first WFTDA sanctioned bout

MEANING OF YOUR DERBY NAME: Bat Woman’s crazy sister.

PRE-BOUT RITUALS: Listening to music, deep breathing, eating a really good carb meal, and visualizing knocking girls down.

TRADEMARK: Laughing when getting knocked down really hard.


  • ...song to skate to? “You Can’t Stop Me” by Guano Apes
  • ...things about derby? Always first: the fans, athleticism, bright fishnets with matching knee highs, and camaraderie.
  • ...drinks? Leinenkugel– Honey Weiss or 1888, Crown n Coke
  • ...foods? Chinese foods, mashed potatoes, and my father-in-law’s French toast!
  • ...things to do off-track? Play Xbox, dancing, talk about derby strategy, working out, sketching, and cooking.

CONTACT: Guanoloco130d@gmail.com or when the mayor shines a bright light in the sky.


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