Number: 2 |
Hometown: Berlin ( Aurora ) |
Occupation: Vet Tech/Assistant |
Birthday: May 3rd |
Hates: Dusting, feet touching me, when people can't admit they're wrong |
Loves: Furry, fluffy things; trying something new |
Derby Wife: The most kick-ass in the league - Jackie Bauer! I don't know how to snagged her, but we belong together. She challenges me every day to improve, and isn't that what we all seek in a mate? |
Derby Injuries: Rib fracture, torqued both knees on a fall (MCL sprain?) |
Meaning of Your Derby Name: A tribute to the great american songwriter, Irving Berlin; also, my birthplace, Berlin Germany |
Favorite. . .
Favorite Derby Moment(s): Winning the tournament, my first time bouting, (thanks to all my amazing teammates!)