NAME: Mistress Azrael
NUMBER: 7734
HOMETOWN: Rushville
OCCUPATION: Freelance Architect
POSITIONS: Pivot, Blocker, or Jammer
HATES: Germs, anything MAC, most trendy things, presumptions, housing additions, and doing dishes
LOVES: Big boots, short skirts (with ruffle pants, of course!), the color black, industrial music, and beer
DERBY WIFE: Jackie Bauer,...or DV Ant
DERBY INJURIES: A broken clavicle, two broken fingers, and a few vertebrae that constantly need put back straight
FAVORITE DERBY MOMENTS: Jamming in a stop derby situation, delivering a good hit, or catching the other team off guard with a good strategy
MEANING OF YOUR DERBY NAME: Azrael was the fallen angel of death...enough said
PRE-BOUT RITUALS: Yoga-like stretching and loud angry music
TRADEMARK: My scary "RAWR" face!
CONTACT? Go find me on the forums or head to